LM 2000-02 SMART® Spectro 2 Spectrophotometer

SMART® Spectro 2 Spectrophotometer


  • เครื่องวัดความเข้มข้นสารละลายโดยใช้หลักการวัดการดูดกลืนคลื่นแสง 
  • สามารถปรับช่วงคลื่นแสงในช่วง 350 ถึง 1000 nm โดยมีความถูกต้องถึง ± 2 nm และปรับคลื่นแสงได้ละเอียด 1 nm
  • มีช่วงการวัด Photomatric 0 ถึง 125 %T  และ  -0.1 ถึง 2.5 A  โดยมีความถูกต้อง ±0.005 A
  • แสดงผลเป็นตัวเลข LCD ในหน่วย ppm %T หรือ Absorbanceใช้แหล่งกำเนิดแสงแบบ Quart Halogen และอุปกรณ์ปรับแสง แบบ Silicon                 Photodiode
  • สามารถสร้างโปรแกรมสำหรับการวัดค่าตัวแปรคุณภาพน้ำ  25  โปรแกรม

A spectrophotometer that is easy to use and more accurate than anything in its price range. With automatic wavelength selection, pre-programmed tests, and superior performance—this is the best spectrophotometer for the money!



  • Carrying Case, Code 2000-CS
  • Battery Pack (rechargeable), Code 2000-BPC
  • Replacement sample cells (round), Code 0290-6
  • Cuvettes, Code 29653-10
  • Bluetooth® Mobile Printer, Code 5-0066
  • Accessory Packs: Code 1961 (syringe, UDV blanks and storage bag) or Code 1962 (pipettor, UDV blanks, storage bag and rack)




Menu Driven Display

Tests and functions are selected from scrolling menus for ultimate simplicity. Results are displayed as %T, absorbance, and concentration.

Pre-Programmed Tests, User Tests & Automatic Wavelength Selection

Over 80 pre-programmed tests. Up to 25 calibrations for additional tests can be entered into the memory. The user can also customize sequences for frequently run tests. The meter automatically moves the grating to the required wavelength.





            graph1 Graph

Fully functional spectrophotometer allows the user to select the optimum wavelength for creating calibration curves.

The user calibration software automatically calculates the best straight line fit.

2000 02 200x200

All Ready to Go!

Includes 6 sample cells (25mm round), 2 sample cell holders (25mm round and COD, 10mm cuvettes), power cable,  and diagrammed manual

Wavelength Range: 350-1000 nm
Wavelength Accuracy: ±2 nm
Wavelength Resolution: 1 nm
Wavelength Bandwidth: 4 nm (max)
Photometric Range: 0-125%T, -0.3-2.500A
Photometric Accuracy: ±0.005A
Photometric Noise: <0.001A at 0A; <0.002A at 2A
Photometric Stray Light: =0.4 %T @360 nm
Dispersive Device: Grating - based system
Optical Mount: Modified Ebert
Grating: 1200 grooves/mm ruled grating
Display: 5.1 inches diagonal
Interface: USB, Bluetooth® (mobile printer only Code 5-0066)
Light Source: Quartz halogen
Sample Chambers: 25 mm round cell, 10 mm square cuvette UDV, COD
Detector: Silicon photodiode
Temperature Range: 0-40°C
Modes: Conc., %T, ABS
Pre-Programmed Tests: Yes
Wavelength Selection: Automatic
User Tests: Up to 25 can be entered and edited
Datalogging: USB, datalogs 500 tests
Diagnostics: Yes
Power: 110/220 volt or battery pack (rechargeable)
Weight: 4.65 kgs (10.3 lbs)
Size: 35 cm x 28 cm x 17 cm


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LM  2000-02……… SMART® Spectro 2 Spectrophotometer,  350-1000 nm


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