เป็นเครื่องจำลองสถานการณ์เสมือนจริง  (Virtual Reality) ที่อยู่ในสภาวะต่างๆ ซึ่งมีโปรแกรมสำเร็จรูปให้มาพร้อมชุด สำหรับทดสอบปฏิกิริยาที่เกิดขึ้นกับผู้ทดสอบ ซึ่งเราสามารถใช้งานร่วมกับ เครื่องบันทึกสัญญาณทางด้านสรีรวิทยา เช่น วัดค่า ECG, EEG, EGG,EOG, EMG เป็นต้น เหมาะสำหรับใช้ในการเรียนการสอนหรืองานวิจัยได้






This aLIAS package provides everything a new user needs for a complete system:

  • Vizard Virtual Reality Toolkit
  • Computer for aLIAS & Oculus (aLIAS-PC)
  • aLIAS VR Source Code (aLIAS-SRC)
  • BIOPAC MP150 System with AcqKnowledge
  • NDT Network Data Transfer License for AcqKnowledge
  • BioNomadix Kit  

           -BN-PPGED Dual-channel Transmitter/Receiver for PPG and EDA

          -BN-PPG Transducer

          -BN-EDA-LEAD2 Lead Set

          -EL507 EDA Electrodes


aLIAS Features

  • Delivery of 3D stimuli through virtual reality
  • Used for the study of emotion
  • Real-life scenarios, not static images
  • High degree of experiment control
  • Physiological response recorded with the stimulus presentation
  • Event markers recorded with the physiological data for analysis

Inducing an emotional state in laboratory settings requires researchers to use various techniques approximating the immersion of the participant in a real-life situation. Such techniques could involve reading stories, looking at pictures and videos, using actors. These methodologies suffer, in various degrees, from limitations in ecological validity and/or experimental control.


aLIAS enables researchers to take experimental investigations of emotion and attention to the next level!


VR for Neurophysiology and Neuromarketing



Developed in partnership with WorldViz, aLIAS packages provide a unique and pioneering system that utilizes the latest HMD technology from Oculus* to create a sophisticated stimulation solution that is truly budget friendly.

aLIAS virtual reality based stimulation protocols deliver lifelike stimulation while maintaining very high experimental control. A collection of stimulation scenarios has been created and is constantly augmented—it is designed so that researchers can expand it easily.

Physiological data can be recorded throughout the experiment and markers for events and conditions are automatically added to the physiological data record over the network. The physiological data is recorded using the wireless BioNomadix and MP150 System with AcqKnowledge.


*Oculus DK2 headset sold separately


Ordering Click! ด้านล่าง


BP aLIAS-P1…....A Lifelike Immersive VR StimuIation System, New Users

BP aLIAS-P2…....A Lifelike Immersive VR StimuIation System, Existing Vizard Users


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