Biopac Student Lab Animal Systems
BSLBSC Animal Systems with MP36
เครื่องบันทึกสัญญาณสรีรวิทยา ชนิด 4 ช่องสัญญาณ มีบทเรียนถึง 30 บทเรียน สามารถวัดสัญญาณไฟฟ้าต่างๆ เช่น ค่า EMG, EEG, ECG, EOG, Frog Pith & Prep, Heart Rate Variability, Earthworm Smooth Muscle, Nerve Conduction (ulnar nerve) และอื่นๆ เหมาะสำหรับการเรียนการสอน และงานวิจัย ในระดับมหาวิทยาลัย สถาบันวิจัยต่างๆ
The BSL Animal Physiology & Intro Human Physiology system includes:
- BSL 4 Software (Lessons and PRO)
- BSL Laboratory Manual MANBSL4
- Searchable PDF Manuals and Tutorials (BSL PRO, Instructor’s Guide, Answer Key, etc)
- MP36 Data Acquisition Unit with USB Cable, DC Adapter (110 V/60 Hz or 220 V/50 Hz) & Cord (US or Euro)
- 2 x High-Impedance Cable – BSLCBL8
- Disposable Electrodes (100/pk) – EL503
- Abrasive Pads (10/pk) – ELPAD
- Interface for Dissolved Oxygen Probe (compatible with RXPROBE-O2 or Vernier)- BSL-TCI16
- Fixed-Range Force Transducer (200 g) – SS65L
- Electrode Lead Shielded/Red X 2 – LEAD110S-R
- Electrode Lead Shielded/White X 2 – LEAD110S-W
- Electrode Lead Unshielded X 2 – LEAD110
- Low Voltage Stimulator Adapter – OUT3 (BNC to MP36 built-in stimulator)
- Nerve Chamber – NERVE2
- Nerve Stimulator Cable – BSLCBL2A
- Nerve Recording Cable – BSLCBL4B
- 3 x Needle Electrodes – EL452
- Stimulator Electrodes – ELSTM2
Perform 30 or more lessons with this core package:
- A02 Frog Gastrocnemius
- A05 Visceral Smooth Muscle
- A11 Resting Potential from Crawdad Manual
- A15 Earthworm Smooth Muscle
- BSL1 Standard & Integrated EMG
- H07 EMG Contractions – Active Learning
- H27 Facial EMG
- H34 EGG Electrogastrogram
- A04 Frog Heart
- BSL5 Components of the ECG (Lead II)
- BSL6 Leads I, II, III & Einthoven’s Law
- H08 Dive Reflex – Active Learning
- H23 Signal Averaged ECG
- H32 Heart Rate Variability
Pulmonary Function
- with your existing probe or add RXPROBE-02 Dissolved Oxygen probe
- A07 Fish Respiration & Q10 (oxygen consumption of a goldfish)
- A01 Frog Pith & Prep
- A03 Frog Nerve
- A06 Cockroach Nerve
- A08 Action Potential
- A14 CPG Hornworm
- BSL3 EEG Relaxation & Brain Rhythms
- BSL4 Alpha Rhythms in the Occipital Lobe
- BSL10 Eye Movement, Saccades & Fixation
- H10 EEG & Hemispheric Asymmetry
- H12 EOG Saccades & Displacement
- H13 EOG Visual Tracking vs. Imagination
- H14 Ocular Fixation while reading
- H15 Ocular Fixation while viewing an image
Biomedical Engineering
- H20 BME Filtering
- H33 FFT Fast Fourier Transform

BP BSLAPH-W………Animal MP36 System, Window