EXO1 Multiparameter Sonde

EXO1 Multiparameter Sonde

4-Port Multiparameter Water Quality Sonde


Depth / Pressure Rating / Limit 0 to 250 m (0 to 820 ft)
Desktop Software Compatible KOR for EXO
Flow Cell Yes
Languages French, English, Spanish, Chinese, German, Japanese
Logging Capabilities Yes
Medium Fresh, sea or polluted water
Memory 512 MB total memory, >1,000,000 logged readings
Multiparameter Yes
Operating Temperature -5 to +50°C
Power 2 Alkaline Batteries
Sampling Yes
Smart Sensors / Ports Yes
Storage Temperature -20 to +80°C
Unit of Measure Parameter Dependent
User Calibratable Yes
Waterproof Yes



EXO1 Specifications 
Battery Life 90 days*
Communications Computer Interface: Bluetooth wireless technology (between sonde and handheld or computer with KOR software), USB
Output Options: USB with signal output adapter (SOA); RS-232 & SDI-12 with DCP-SOA.
Diameter 4.70 cm (1.85 in)
Length 64.77 cm (25.50 in)
Peripheral Ports 1 power communication port
Sample Rate Up to 4 Hz
Sensor Ports 4
Warranty: 3 mos Replaceable reagent modules for ammonium, chloride, and nitrate
Warranty: 1 yr Optical DO membranes and replaceable reagent modules for pH and pH/ORP
Warranty: 2 yrs Cables; sonde bulkheads; handheld; conductivity, temperature, depth, and optical sensors; electronics base for pH, pH/ORP, ammonium, chloride, and nitrate sensors; and accessories
Weight 1.42 kg (3.15 lbs)

*Typically 90 days at 20˚C at 15-minute logging interval; temperature/conductivity, pH/ORP, DO, and turbidity sensors installed on EXO1. Battery life is heavily dependent on sensor configuration.




EXO Parameter MeasuredSensor**RangeAccuracyResponseResolution



(freshwater only)


Ammonium Sensor
Ammonia with pH sensor
SKU: 599710

0 to 200 mg/L (0 to 30˚C)

±10% of reading or 2 mg/L-N, w.i.g. T63<30 sec 0.01 mg/L


Barometric Pressure

Integral Barometer 375 to 825 mmHg ±1.5 mmHg from 0 to 50°C - 0.1 mmHg


Blue-green Algae,


Total Algae Sensor
SKU: 599102-01
0 to 100 μg/L;
0 to 100 RFU;
Linearity: R2 >0.999 for serial dilution of Rhodamine WT solution from 0 to 100 μg/mL BGA-PC equivalents T63<2 sec 0.01 μg/L;
0.01 RFU


Blue-green Algae,


Total Algae Sensor
SKU: 599103-01
0 to 280 μg/L;
0 to 100 RFU;
Linearity: R2 >0.999 for serial dilution of Rhodamine WT solution from 0 to 280 μg/mL BGA-PE equivalents T63<2 sec 0.01 μg/L;
0.01 RFU


(freshwater only)


Chloride Sensor
SKU: 599711
0 to 18000 mg/L-Cl (0 to 30˚C) ±15% of reading or 5 mg/L-Cl, w.i.g. T63<30 sec 0.01 mg/L




Total Algae Sensor

0 to 400 μg/L Chl;
0 to 100 RFU
Linearity: R2 >0.999 for serial dilution of Rhodamine WT solution from 0 to 400 μg/L Chl a equivalents T63<2 sec 0.01 μg/L Chl;
0.01 RFU





Conductivity / Temperature Sensor
SKU: 599870

0 to 200 mS/cm 0 to 100: ±0.5% of reading or 0.001 mS/cm, w.i.g.;
100 to 200: ±1% of reading
T63<2 sec 0.0001 to 0.01 mS/cm (range dependent)


Depth - 10 m


Integral, Non-vented Depth Sensor3

0 to 10 m
(0 to 33 ft)
±0.04% FS (±0.004 m or ±0.013 ft) T63<2 sec 0.001 m (0.001 ft)


Depth - 100 m


Integral, Non-vented Depth Sensor3 0 to 100 m
(0 to 328 ft)
±0.04% FS (±0.04 m or ±0.13 ft) T63<2 sec 0.001 m (0.001 ft)


Depth - 250 m


Integral, Non-vented Depth Sensor3 0 to 250 m
(0 to 820 ft)
±0.04% FS (±0.10 m or ±0.33 ft) T63<2 sec 0.001 m (0.001 ft)


Dissolved Oxygen, % air saturation


Optical Dissolved Oxygen Sensor
SKU: 599100-01
0 to 500%
air saturation
0 to 200%: ±1% of reading or 1% saturation, w.i.g.;
200 to 500%: ±5% of reading 4
T63<5 sec5 0.1% air saturation


Dissolved Oxygen, mg/L


Optical Dissolved Oxygen Sensor
SKU: 599100-01
0 to 50 mg/L 0 to 20 mg/L: ±0.1 mg/L or 1% of reading, w.i.g.;
20 to 50 mg/L: ±5% of reading 4
T63<5 sec5 0.01 mg/L




fDOM Sensor
SKU: 599104-01
0 to 300 ppb Quinine Sulfate equivalents (QSU) Linearity: R2 > 0.999 for serial dilution of 300 ppb QS solution
Detection Limit: 0.07 ppb QSU
T63<2 sec 0.01 ppb QSU


Level, Vented - 10 m


Integral Vented Level Sensor 0 to 10 m (0 to 33 ft) ±0.03% FS (±0.003 m or ±0.010 ft) T63<2 sec 0.001 m (0.001 ft)


(freshwater only)


Nitrate Sensor
SKU: 599709
0 to 200 mg/L-N (0 to 30˚C) ±10% of reading or 2 mg/L-N, w.i.g. T63<30 sec 0.01 mg/L







pH Sensor
SKU:599701 guarded599702 unguarded

pH/ORP Sensor
SKU:599705 guarded599706 unguarded
0 to 14 units ±0.1 pH units within ±10˚C of calibration temp;
±0.2 pH units for entire temp range7
T63<3 sec8 0.01 units





pH/ORP Sensor
SKU:599705 guarded
599706 unguarded
-999 to 999 mV ±20 mV in Redox standard solution T63<5 sec6 0.1 mV



Conductivity / Temperature Sensor
SKU: 599870

-5 to 35°C
35 to 50°C
T63<1 sec 0.001 °C



Turbidity Sensor

SKU: 599101-01

0 to 4000 FNU 0 to 999 FNU: 0.3 FNU or ±2% of reading, w.i.g.;
1000 to 4000 FNU: ±5% of reading10
T63<2 sec 0 to 999 FNU = 0.01 FNU;
1000 to 4000 FNU = 0.1 FNU




Calculated from Conductivity and Temperature11

0 to 70 ppt ±1.0% of reading or 0.1 ppt, w.i.g. T63<2 sec 0.01 ppt


Specific Conductance


Calculated from Conductivity and Temperature11 0 to 200 mS/cm ±0.5% of reading or .001 mS/cm, w.i.g. - 0.001, 0.01, 0.1 mS/cm


Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)


Calculated from Conductivity and Temperature11 0 to 100,000 mg/L
Cal constant range
0.30 to 1.00
(0.64 default)
Not Specified - Variable


Total Suspended Solids (TSS)


Calculated from Turbidity and user reference samples 0 to 1500 mg/L Not specified T63<2 sec Variable

**Specifications indicate typical performance and are subject to change. All sensors have a depth rating to 250 m (820 ft), except shallow and medium depth sensors, ammonium, chloride, and nitrate. Accuracy specification is attained immediately following calibration under controlled and stable environmental conditions. Performance in the natural environment may vary from quoted specification.
w.i.g. = whichever is greater

EXO sensors are not compatible with YSI 6-Series sondes, sensors, or handheld.


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