GILSON Pipetman Classic


  • ที่ดูดจ่ายสารละลายอัตโนมัติ ระบบ Air Displacement 

ใช้สำหรับงานสารละลายทั่วๆไป งาน DNA RNA 


   Volumetric specifications     


Single Channel Models




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Volume (µL)

Gilson Maximum

Permissible Errors


Permissible Errors

Systematic error (µL) Random error (µL) Systematic error (µL) Random error (µL)
P2 F144801 0.2 ±0.024 ≤0.012 ±0.08 ≤0.04
0.5 ±0.025 ≤0.012 ±0.08 ≤0.04
2 ±0.030 ≤0.014 ±0.08 ≤0.04
P10 F144802 1 ±0.025 ≤0.012 ±0.12 ≤0.08
5 ±0.075 ≤0.030 ±0.12 ≤0.08
10 ±0.100 ≤0.040 ±0.12 ≤0.08



P20 F123600 2 ±0.10 ≤0.03 ±0.20 ≤0.10
5  ±0.10  ≤0.04  ±0.20 ≤0.10
10 ±0.10 ≤0.05 ±0.20 ≤0.10
20 ±0.20 ≤0.06 ±0.20 ≤0.10
P100 F123615 20 ±0.35 ≤0.10 ±0.80 ≤0.30
50 ±0.40 ≤0.12 ±0.80 ≤0.30
100 ±0.80 ≤0.15 ±0.80 ≤0.30
P200 F123601 50 ±0.50 ≤0.20 ±1.60 ≤0.60
100 ±0.80 ≤0.25 ±1.60 ≤0.60
200 ±1.60 ≤0.30 ±1.60 ≤0.60

P1000 F123602 200 ±3 ≤0.6 ±8 ≤3.0
500 ±4 ≤1.0 ±8 ≤3.0
1000 ±8 ≤1.5 ±8 ≤3.0
P5000 F123603 1000 ±12 ≤3 ±40 ≤15
2000 ±12 ≤5 ±40 ≤15
5000 ±30 ≤8 ±40 ≤15

P10 mL F161201 1 mL ±30 ≤6 ±60 ≤30
2 mL ±30 ≤6 ±60 ≤30
5 mL ±40 ≤10 ±60 ≤30
10 mL ±60 ≤16 ±60 ≤30



PIPETMAN® Starter  Kit

- PIPETMAN® Starter Kit

PIPETMAN Starter Kit Includes:

  • Three classic pipettes: P20, P200, and P1000
  • Two racks of certified-quality Diamond® Tips: D200 and D1000
  • Three adhesive-backed Single Pipette Hangers
  • One Gilson Guide to Pipetting
 - PIPETMAN® Micro-Volume Kit

PIPETMAN Micro-Volumn Kit Includes:

  • 3 classic pipettes : P2, P10 and P100 with Gilson certificate
  • 2 racks of certified-quality DIAMOND Tips: DFL10ST and DF100ST
  • 3 SINGLE™ Pipette holder
  • 1 Gilson Guide to Pipetting
 - PIPETMAN® Large-Volume Kit

PIPETMAN Large-Volume Includes:

  • Two classic pipettes: P5000 and P10 mL
  • One package of filters for each pipette (P5000: 10 filters + 5 tips; P10 mL: 10 filters + 2 tips)

PIPETMAN Classic Kit                 Ordering Click! ด้านล่าง

Product Descriptions


PIPETMAN Starter Kit

PIPETMAN Micro-Volume Kit

PIPETMAN Large-Volume Kit




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